Have you ever seen the end of an air hose break and the force with which the hose whips around? I hope you haven’t, but the force could easily bruise, break bones, or even worse, especially with heavy large diameter air hoses.
Parker has a solution from their Pneumatic Division called AirGuard. The AirGuard system is an air fuse that is sized for the inside diameter, length and SCFM of your particular hose. When the SCFM is exceeded through the AirGuard, the AirGuard system is activated and stops the flow of air downstream into the blown hose and immediately stops the whipping hose allowing time to turn off the air supply and repair the leak. Once the leak has been repaired and air pressure is restored, the AirGuard will reset itself and is ready to protect your employees from the next potential hose failure.
The AirGuard is a lightweight, maintenance friendly, tamperproof and economic component to install in all of your plants air hoses. It also complies with numerous standards including EU, ISO, OSHA and MSHA regulations and standards.
Sizing the AirGuard is a simple process too. As long as you know the internal diameter of your air hose and the length of your air hose, Parker provides a simple to read chart to determine which AirGuard is right for your application.
Finally, if you need to replace any old, cracked, worn or even questionable hoses, we supply Parker air hoses that will likely fit your application. It’s always better to prevent an accident before it happens, so replacing even questionable hoses before they fail is always a great safety practice.
Please see the charts and information on the Parker AirGuard systems and select and install the size that’s right for each of your applications. As always, if you need any assistance from the RG Group in making this important sizing selection, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help.