Automated invoice service sign-up

RG Group offers a convenient automated electronic EMAIL solution which allows us to send your invoices directly to your inbox. Invoices are emailed after regular business hours each business day.

This time-saving system is a great benefit to you, less time pushing paper. Since your invoices are delivered directly to you, there's no need to open envelopes or move documents through internal mail, and no more invoices lost in the mail!

To be eligible for this service, you must have an established account with RG Group or one of its divisions. If you don't have an established account, register for one HERE.

To sign up for this service, please complete the form below. The results will be sent to our A/R department and we'll set up your account within 2 business days. Thank you for supporting this program and, as always, we look forward to doing business with you.

1. Your company name:
2. Account number(s) that appear on your invoice(s):
3. Primary Accounts Payable email address:

4. Your email address (optional):
5. Check if this is a correction/change being made to information already on file
6. Please include any comments or questions in this area.

Need copies of specific invoices?

Request invoice copies: Please have your RG Group customer statement available when completing the form below. All invoice copies will be emailed so please have a valid email address available as well.
Your company name:
Your Account Number (6-digit number in the corner of statement):
Invoice Number(s) to be sent:
Email address where invoices are to be sent:
Name of person to send copies to:
Please include any comments or questions in this area.

Tips for
completing form:

  1. Enter your company name in this field. If you are known by more than one name, list them all.
  2. Your customer account numbers are shown on each invoice you receive. You may have more than one account number with RG Group. If you determine you have more than one account number, list them all here. We'll set them all up for emailing.
  3. Enter the email address where you would like your invoices sent each night. We'll send you an email confirmation that your account has been set up for automated invoicing.
  4. If you are correcting/changing information we already have on file, please check this box.
  5. Use this area to provide any further comments or questions about our invoice process.